Aku bisa memberikanmu syurga.
Tapi kau tidak menginginkan nya dariku.
Aku bisa membuatmu bahagia.
Tapi kau tak inginkan bahagia bersamaku.
Story about bits and pieces of my life chasing my dreams, doing whatever i want, anytime i want.
Aku bisa memberikanmu syurga.
Tapi kau tidak menginginkan nya dariku.
Aku bisa membuatmu bahagia.
Tapi kau tak inginkan bahagia bersamaku.
When I'm frustrated with my husband. I tend to write.
But not here. I vent out at twitter. But sorry. My twitter is private except for only 5followers i think. 😝😝😝
So tonight i just want to reflect on whats good in our relationship.
1. Freedom
He gives me freedom. I give him freedom even sometimes it comes with nag.
- he let me fly alone with alika so i can travel and have fun with my friends.
-he let me go abroad with my friend. With or without alika.
My whole life. I never would have thought that I will marry such a great guy.
2. Limit
He states clearly my limits. I know I can't be having a personal chat routine with guys.
-he don't mind me having guy friends and commenting on Facebook. As long as he can read it anytime he wants
-no guy should involve in my everyday routine except him. Lols. So sweet.
But he always by my side since we are working together 24/7. I don't need any other than him 😘😘😘
He knows im a very hard headed person. I get angry easily. But he dont get offended easily.
When im mad. He will just be quite and act like nothing happened. In 2 mins. I will be okay. And we become normal again. I dont need any pujuk moments.😁👏👏
He acts crazy with me and dont mind me being crazy around him. And thats what i love the most about my husband. I dont think i can find someone like that easily.
He lets me do what ever i want.
Wanna a holiday? Just book the flight tix darling.
Wanna have a day at home? He will go out and buy food for both of us.
Too lazy to wake up when baby cries? He will get up and prepare milk for baby and put her to sleep again.
There are so many things that he does that i dont think any other man willing to do.
Despite all he have his flaws too. Which i elaborate with frustration at twitter. Hahahahaha.
Im writing this for myself. So i can always remember the good in him. And wonder if i am good enough for him.
Its 3.23 am in the morning and I just want to write.
For all my fans out there. 😂😂😂
My daughter is sleeping not so soundly.
She is having a cough
And she becomes too attached lately.
The best thing being a mommy is that she always choose mommy. Wonder if its a good thing 😁😁😁
Her first birthday is just around the corner
26th august and my husband's on 28th august.
One year has passed since i was 10cm dilated and feeling like dying. Not sure if i wanna go tru that again 😨😨😨
But Allah knows best. I want more child to send dua' for me when im gone. And to accompany me when im old.
I mean i want sons to travel with.
I have foresee my coming years..hahahaha
My husband would be busy so i would just fly to anywhere with my children. I wonder why i kept pushing my husband out of my future days. 😕😕😕
I dont know. I used to see myself being together forever.
But i guess we dont always know what we want.
Or what we dont want. What we need or what we dont need.
Almost september.
Then we gonna start our vacation this year. Yahooo..
If its up to me. I would be buying flight tix like crazy but i cant book anything more than 6/7months because i might be pregnant and i dont wanna be going here n there when im 8months preggy would i???
Till next time peeps. 😘
Salam Ramadhan buat semua.
Harini hari keenam selesai menunaikan ibadat puasa.
My routine as a wife mestilah masak sahur untuk suamiku.
Jangan main2. Suamiku ni makan sahur sampai 3 kali tambah.
Husband memahami sejak 6hari puasa ni sekali pun aku tak pernah masak berbuka sebab kami beli kat bazaar je. Yelah. Keluar kerja sampai rumah dah pukul 6. Nak masak apa??
Syukur dapat suami penyayang bagi je aku rehat sampai azan maghrib. Aku punya pemalas nasik bungkus husband pun aku xletak dalam pinggan. Malas nak basuh. Hahahaha
Hidup berdua ni serba salah kalau nk masak. Suami pulak jenis xmakan lauk yang dipanaskan. So takyah berharap nk masak lebih time buka utk buat sahur. Memang takkan terjadi. Tiga tahun kawen memang macam itulah.30 hari kena masak sahur.
Pastu bulan2 puasa ni dua dua lapar asyik bercakar mcm anjing dengan kucing. Dah berbuka elok baik balik. Lols.
Korang laki bini pun mesti mcm weolls jugak kan?? Hahaha
Bahaya perut lapar.
Assalamualaikum sahabat online.
Dah lama rasanya Amal tak menulis di blog ni.
Terlampau sibuk sebenarnya.
Amal baru sahaja settle menguruskan pembukaaan cawangan ke 5 kedai tudung SEYF AMALIN dan juga merupakan shoplot pertama kami.
Sebelum ni bukak pushcart je. Jadi perubahan yang Besar dari pushcart ke shoplot buat kami suami isteri tak cukup tidur nak menguruskan semuanya.
Jadi harini amal nak kongsi pasal mcamana nk mulakan perniagaan sebab Amal rasa ramai yang nak berniaga tapi taktahu macam mana.
Ade beberapa tips yang ada boleh ikut. Amal senaraikan beberapa yang boleh membantu, insya allah.
1. Bermula dengan apa yang ada.
- contohnya kalau anda ade rm100 untuk dijadikan modal. Mulakan dengan rm100. Jangan bagi alasan pada diri sendiri. Contoh alasan yang kita biasa bagi kat diri sendiri.
"Aku nak kumpul rm5000 pastu nak start bisnes."
2. Jangan buat pinjaman untuk mulakan bisnes pertama anda.
sebab bisnes pertama ni untuk kita belajar macamana nak buat sale. Macamana nak uruskan stok. macamana nak arrange masa.. kita perlu bermula kecil. fakta: 95% bisnes akan tutup pada 3tahun pertama. Jadi kita taknak ade beban hutang pinjaman.
3. Berkuli.
- ade penjelasan yang sangat panjang untuk berkuli. Tp secara bahasa mudahnya. Kita kena jadi seperti budak praktikal dalam bidang yang kita ingin cuburi. Kalau rasa nak bisnes tudung. Cuba bekerja dengan kedai tudung dulu. berkuli ni dapat mengajar kita banyak benda dan juga membantu kita mengenalpasti masalah2 yang bakal kita hadapi.
4. Risiko terkawal.
-kenalpasti risiko terkawal yang kita boleh ambik. Setiap bisnes ade risiko dan kita tidak boleh lari dari risiko. Kita cuma boleh meminimakan risiko dan mengurus risiko.
Contoh risiko. duit burn bisnes tutup.
Mengurus risiko. Berapa nilai wang yang anda sanggup burn.?
Okay. Tu je tips amal kali ni.
Jadi kalau berkira2 nak berbisnes. Boleh mula sekarang. Macamana?
1. Asingkan duit yang anda sanggup burn untuk fasa belajar. Jangan lebih dari dua ribu.
2. berkuli dengan orang dalam bidang yang kita minat untuk cuburi.
3. Mulakan secepat mungkin.
Harap dapat membantu. Nanti next time Amal akan share pasal pembahagian modal dan cara urus akaun 101 bagi peniaga yang baru bermula.
feel free to visit my fb page: seyf amalin atau ig:seyfamalin
I only have a lot to say when i have problems.
Now i definately run out of ideas.
Just a few updates.
1. Alika just turn 7months and she have 4teeths already. So fast. She also is learning how to stand up on her own. Makes me have heart attack every time she let go of her hands.
Please follow my instagram for her pic.
Ig: seyfamalina
My ig is not private for many reasons.
2. Will be opening a new shop. Maybe mid april or early may. Will post more on that when i have the time.
3. Is planning a trip outside malaysia this october. First time bringing alika abroad. Wonder how her first pasport will look like. 😄
4. devided the shops into two devision. Hijaab n clothes. I handle hijaab. Husband handle clothes. My own style and his own style.
5. Is planning for raya already.
Is planning for another holiday destination.
I think thats all. Hope to have more time to write and share soon. 😊😊😊
Salam semua.
Its 0036 n I can't sleep.
Straight to the point.
Being a wife means I have to hold my emotions inside.
Its torturing me.
I can't tell people my problems
And I can't bear hiding it.
Airmata dah kering.
Perasaan dah redha.
Ya Allah
Kau berikan kebahagiaan buat kawan2 ku.
I feel their pain.
I cry their tears.
Make them the most happiest person.
Im lucky in many ways.
But im being ungratefull.
I told my husband.
He should practice changing alika's nappy
Im not gonna be here forever.
Deep inside it feels like he dont love me.
i told him im looking for lawyer syariah incase anything happen between us.
And he said nothing. Maybe he is too shock. Me being bold.
We dont have divorce in mind.
But we always keep it real.
Second marriage.
Child custody.
Second wife.
Yada. Yada. We talk about it calmly.
My ramblings is so random.
a lil.bit of pieces from everything in my life.
Its 1.25 am
I wanna talk to husband
But he's on the net watching youtube
I wanna talk about many things with him.
But we just don't have that opportunity