Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Problems. We all have that one which wont go away

I guess whoever dates me know that everytime i reach new places. I need to go to the toilet first.

When i say i need a toilet. Im not kidding.hahahaha

Poor husband. Now everytime we get ready to go out.
I will be in silent mode.
And he will ask. Need to go to the loo??

And he needs to wait for me. And wherever we were driving on the road and in the middle of nowhere. I will just say. I need a loo. We will frantically find one.

Well obviously i have problems with my insides. Durhhh

Monday, March 30, 2015

Fishing the fishes

Currently in Lumut. Marina island.

Husband is soooo in hus element which is fishing while im in the chalet. Crusing the net.

He forgot to kiss me good nite last nite.  owh i hate that. I hope he knows im sulking rite now.

Aj caught 2 fishes. Yeay?? Not really because they were small. Or maybe his expectations are too high.

The funny part was yesterday he was so unsettled. Thinking where should we put the fishes that he will caught. And he was so worried what if he caught more than one and we cant finish them. He even asked me ti ask the chalet people if they can bbq our fish.

I said to him. Lets just catch the fish first then we will think about what to do with them. Self confidence my husband have. 😢😢😢😢😢

Friday, March 27, 2015

The man that i fall in love with

Haritu cerita pasal suami sebelum aku kenal die.
Now nak cerita pasal encik fadzil ni masa aku mula2 kenal die.

Fakta: aku nampak die first time kat kbmall. Hari2 die akan datang around 5.30 untuk masuk barang ke kedai die.

Masa tu i was working and balik keje pukul 6 petang. So everyday i just saw him datang lalu depan kedai. Then after a few days. Jarang2 sekali die akan keluar n lepak dengan membe die sebelah kedai bahagian luar. I can see tru the glass.

Kenal tapi tak pernah tegur. Tak pernah. Die pun xpernah. Me pun tak pernah. Nampak and thats it.

Masa tu before i went for my convo. My convocation masa tu bulan 10. So maybe dalam bulan 9 gitu.

Fakta: aj kirim salam tru my best fren. Masa tu i was odw balik utp for my convo.

I just tell my fren. Oo. Kirim salamlah balik. Gitu je.

Then lepas convo tu. Aj add kt fb tapi tak pernah private message. Tak pernah. Tak. Tak. Masa tu i pun pelik jugak. Xde nak ngorat apa pon. So biar jelah.

First step of course la i yang buat. Masa tu die kena jaga kedai die sendiri sbb staff die cuti. I just beli aiskrim mcd and bagi die satu melalui another girl yg keje kat situ jugak. Kire macam i belanja dua tiga org termasuk die. Itulah first step nye sebab i know kalau tunggu mamat pemalu ni maybe sampai sekarang kami tak kawen lagi.hahahah

Then lepas insiden aiskrim tulah aj ni msg kat fb. Pastu  kat msg fb tu i bagitau kalau die nak ngorat i die kenalah jadi brani sikit. Kalau nk ajak keluar kenalah ajak depan2. Hahahaha..

Lama gilerrr then die cakap ok. Harini die akan ajak i keluar. Sepatutnya i balik keje 6ptg aritu. Tapi i bagi chance kat die. Siap tunggu for more than 10mins utk die gain courage untuk datang and ask me out.

At lastttt. Die datang jugak..hahaha. still ingat lagi keadaan masa tu. I macam biasa je. Kitorang pergi hayaki sebelah kbmall. Itulah permulaan nya. Rasanya masa tu november 2012 kalau xsilap.

Then we keep on seing each other sampai satu tahap. I just said to him. I taknak kami asyik keluar je. Dulu i clash dengan my ex pon sebab i da malas nak couple2 ni. Kalau die faham maksud i. Die tahulah apa nak buat. Kalau sekadar nak lepak jumpa setiap hari i taknak. Better kitorang xjumpa dahla. I cakap camtu kat die masa disember 2012.

Then a gentleman he was. 25 jan 2013 we were engaged. Masa bertunang tu yang lebih kenal masing2. And lebih cintan cintun sampailah kawen june 2013.

Mudah. Cepat dan memenuhi apa yg i nak. Masa tu i dah fedap giler dengan kapel2 ni. Tak dapat apa pun. I just nak a husband. Yg bole sayang i. Bole sama2 kumpul pahala dengan i. Alhamdulillah.. masa tu i xkenal siapa die. Die dari mana. Apa kereta die. I just know that die serious.

Jodoh tu simple kan. Kami sampai harini xde masalah besar. And my husband memang sangat menjaga hati i. Kalau i malas kemas rumah die tak cakap apa pun. Plus die pulak yg tolong. Tolong basuh pinggan. Sidai kain. I tak rasa ramai lelaki yg sanggup buat benda2 camtu.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Jangan tipu.

I woke up tersedu sedan.
I cried in my sleep.

For some reason i feel that the person in my sleep was lying.

I know.. you are lying.

Tiada selembut kau berlagu

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What to eat?

For many nights da xtau nak makan apa for dinner.
So malam ni we decided to go to wakaf che yeh.

Beli kuewtiaw hireng kerang n keropok and air kelapa.

Yums. Rasa yang tak pernah berubah.
Rugi pulak beli satu je.
Macam xcukup laaaaa

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Our nite routine

The wife is doing the accounts on the lappy.

And the husband is memetik gitar main lagu dahsyat by mojo.


Our kind of nite.
Patutla my husband ex sayang die sangattt.
Tapi hes mine now.
And i got all of him now.

Psyco much? Its the baby. 😂😂😂😂


Yeah..i know. My hubs loveeeeeee gym.
Semalam da pesan. Please dont come home late.
Around 7.30 should be at home okay.

He just said yes. And it was 7.30 and he was not home. Not yet. I malas nk telefon. Bia je die. Laat2 8.30 sampai rumah. Mandi siap2. Kol 10 nk ttp kedai kt kbmall. Malas nk cakap pape.

Sampai kbmall i told him nak beli brg jap.
He said nk beli apa bla3. So i just keep quiet.
Malas nk jawab2 apa.
9.30 he said bolehla nk ttp kedai.
I just ambik buku sale n terus go away.
9.50 sampai d3pan kedai die. Malas nk masuk kedai die. Tunggu kat lua je. Dalam hati penuh protes.

Tetibe masuk notification.

First winter for us

My first winter in my entire life.
With the husband.
At seoul korea february 2015.

And its his first winter and snow too.
It was damn cold so we decided not to travel during winter anymore.

I have istanbul during spring for our next vacay.
And this time i wanna bring our little baby. 😊

Before i met him

Husband. Before i knew him.
Rambut panjang.
Dulu by the time i was having my internship dekat kl. Die tengah meniaga kat uptown danau.
Masa tu i was ulang alik gombak cheras n banyak kali jugak pergi danau.

Tapi masa tu kitorang tak pernah jumpa.
Maybe pernah nampak tapi jodoh tak sampai lagi masa tu.
Sekarang ni selalu cakap balik. What happen ek kalau masa tu da kenal??

Tak sangka langsung kami kenal di kelantan.
Jauh i duduk perak for years.
Stay in kl for more than 8 months.
Mungkin pernah jalan depan die or even masuk kedai die tapi tak pernah tau ini husband aku.
Allah da susun elok2. Hihi.

I love him with long hair tapi sekarang ni kalau suruh pon die taknak. Alasan die?

Die potong rambut pendek sebab nk cari jodoh. Lepas potong rambut jumpe i. Jadi die xnak dah rambut panjang..huhuhu. whateverlah hubs.

Monday, March 23, 2015

pregnancy hormones

Last night i took about 30mins just standing in front of the mirror.

Studying myself.
look what pregnancy hormones have done to me..
i have black spot everywhere.
uncontrolled dandruff problems.
oversized tummy and all the not so pretty things are happening to me.

Then i heard my hubby.

"Yang buat pa tu?"

Me:kelemumur banyak sangat.hernn

"Yang nak pergi spa tak esok?"

awwww.. of course i wanna go to spa hubby.. tq for asking.. i love you.😘😘😘😘


Aku adalah satu jenis manusia yang keinginan berubah2.

Harini aku ingin jadi surirumah.
eaok mahu jadi makeup artist.
lusa mahu buka satu butik.
dan macam2 lagi.

Husband pulak jenis yang tak pernah cakap no.
bie. Yang nak beli langsir sbb nak cantikkan rumah. Sambil tunjuk satu langsir Kat die.

He will be warna ni tak cantiklah yang. Cer tengok yang lain.

Lepas aku order. He will be. Yeay... pasni rumah kita cantikk.. kalau aku cakap nak masuk kelas mekap pulak. He will say. Baguslah yang nanti lepas ni yang bole mekap lawa2 lagi n bole terus jadi mak andam.

Kalau bab business lagilah. Bole cakap dari pagi sampai malam. Die tak pernah nak cakap aku ni semangat sekejap or watever walaupun sbenarnya aku mcm tulah. Die mmg supporter yg hebat.

Cakap je nak buat apa. He will be my biggest supporter. And i try to be that for him too.kalau die nak apa2. I will always say. You got it bie. aku pon xtau mana die dapat semangat hari2. Everyday is just full of energy while aku pulak pemalas nak mampppssss..huuuuu

antara kawan dan pasangan

Aku ad kawan lelaki.
husband pon ade kawan perempuan.
kawan as in kawan jelah.
xde yg lebih pun.
da lepas kawen pon still bole komen2 kat fb.
sebab xde apa pun.
cuma sebagai isteri pandai2la jaga batas.

Husband pon tahu. Sebagai suami. Pandai2la die jaga perasaan bini die a.k.a aku.hihi

Dan kawan2 perempuan die pon tahu nak hormat aku. Yang rapat zaman dulu2 takde nak upload gambar2 lama. Husbabd cite je semua. Die dulu jenis rapat dengan perempuan. Aku bole je terima sebab aku tau tu diri die. Tapi yang lebih penting bile die kenal aku kawan2 pkmpuan die semua dia sanggup jarakkan diri. Tu yang penting.

Kita semua ade diri masing2. Aku pun ade kawan rapat lelaki. Tapi bile aku serius dengan my husband masa tu. Aku just cakap terus2 terang. Aku da nak tunang. Xboke nk macam dulu2. Die pon faham. Yelah.. kawan je kan. Die ade life die. Aku ada life aku. Saling hormatla. Xdelah die nak sms aku tanya apa aku buat or yada3.

Hormat kawan sendiri. Hormat pasangan kawan.
bukan susah pon kan.
kawan memang penting. Tapi bagi aku kawan sama jantina la sebab perasaan pasangan lebih penting. Die sebenarnya apa yg kita nak pasangan kita buat. Itu yg kita kena buat dulu. Kalau kita buat kawan mcm makwe pastu expect pasangan kita tak buat macam tu. Tu macam pelik dan bagi aku sangat tak adil. Orang putih cakap what you give you get back la kan.

Kena pandai2 pilih apa yang penting dalam hidup kau. Prioritize lah. Sebab kau hidup di dunia. Bukan boleh langsam je semua. Hati orang kena jagalah beb. Lagi2 pasangan kau.

Gitulah.. nak cite panjang memang boleh tapi setakat tu jelah. Buat kawan2 lelaki aku yg sampai sekarang duk like gambar n komen akt fb n insta aku. Tq sbb masih nk berkawan dgn aku dan tq sebab faham dan hormat suami aku.

Apa2 bagi aku. Suami dulu. member tetap member.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

mr do it all

Dah xlama dah.. 28 is approaching.
we r going to utp. Yeayyy.
since husband have been doing so much work n taking care of ne. We will be slreping at tasik banding at royal belum so that my hubs can fish.

I think he is overjoyed. Tibe2 sie punya semangat memancing datang balik. Hari2 bukak video toman tasik banding. Hahaha.

I hope we will catch a few.
i would love to see him happy. Tapi ni konfem kalau da dpt 2 3 ekor ikan nnti nak datang lagi..

kadang2 rasa wow. My husband know how to fish. Yelah. Ingat mancing biasa2 je tapi rupanya die tau guna joran. pasang umpan and yada3.

and he knows how to play guitar. Malam2 tgh tgk tv mcm2la lagu die main. Tapi xtaulah die tujukan utk aku or sekadar die prektis je.

Pastu kalau suruh aoa2 mesti tak banyak merengek. Die jenis yg redha je. Suruh bangun ambik barang kol 5.30 pagi die redha. Dulu aku teman die tapi skrg ni die just pergi sorang je. Angkat barang berat2. Xpernah pon dengar die merungut.

And die tahu bersilat pulak tu. Bab bergaduh nombor satu. Malam2 balik ambik parang pergi mana pon xtaula. Pastu die suke peegi gym n jog. Secara konsisten okay. Walaupun six pack belum terlihat. adalah kadang2 die skip tapi yelah. Aku lagi suka die skip daripada die pergi gym.

masa banjir baruni boleh dikatakan 80%kerja husband yg buat. Yelah. Since im preggy and all. I would just tell him this and that tapi die xpenah cakap i ni malas or whatsoever. Kalau kerja rumah bertimbun die biar je sbb die tahu one day i akan buat jugak when im not tired. Kadang dia akan tolong basuh pinggan. Jemur kain. Benda2 yg die pandai. Yg die xpandai macam masak or lipat kain die tak buatla..

Aku pulak apa yg aku pandai? Masak tak pandaim kemas rumah pon malas. Asyik on the fon je.. tapi he still xde cakap paPe. Mcm redha seadanya. kadang2 rasa sedih kan. Mcm kita xmampu jadi the best person.

sensitive people

Hye sensitive people.
im one of you.
im so clingy with le hubs now..i miss him even if hes next to me.
and merengek suruh die masuk bilik je teman i tido.
good thing we work together. Atleast boleh sama2 setiap masa.

hubs saja je duduk kat luar n mana2 jelah.
he said i cant be like this..what if hes not here with me. I just dont care. Hes here now  so he should be next to me..huhuhu.

Friday, March 20, 2015

hati bahagi 4

How do you know you love someone?

When you wont trade that person for another person.

So would you?
Would you trade your spouse for another?
Org lelaki Allah bagi kawen sampai 4.
ustaz cakap adil tidak ada kaitan dengan hati.
kita dihukum atas perbuatan kita.
bukan apa yg hati kita rasa.


mood swings

Banyak2 benda dalam dunia ni yg aku sanggup buat.
satu je aku tak sanggup.
break my husband's heart.
pernah jadi sekali secara tidak sengaja.

Masa tu aku rasa bersalah sangat.
die pemaaf dan sangat setia.
Aku pulak emosional.
hopefully xjadi lagi.

Now aku dalam state yg soo emotional.
my first trimester was all sick n vomit.
now its all cry and sensitive.
kalau aku mimpi benda sedih pon sampai menangis masa tido.
you know what so sedih yg aku mimpi tu?
Hubs left me for ice skating.
die pakai siap2 pastu tinggal akum
terus aku dump the skating rink and go at the back to cry.

Dan nak bagitau apa2 so susah.
rasa nak pendam je. Nk explain satu2 punya susah.
if i tell him once. Hubs meh sini. And he dont come.
i will be ok fine tak payah.
so complicated. Entahlah. aku pn xtau kenapa

Thursday, March 19, 2015

nasihat seorang kawan

I have a friend..

dulu before kawen i was in this state of waiting for a prince charming. Konon2 akan datang dengan kuda dan selamatkan aku yg miserable masa tu.

The  die bagitau aku.
kau tunggy prince charming tapi kau expect prince charming tu hari2 datang dengan kuda bawak kau pergi. Die akan datang sekali je. Dan lepas tu kau kena expect real life. Takkan benda tu nk jadi hari2.

Masa tu aku degil. Aku nak prince charming aku tu buat sweet kat aku hari2. Macam akulah princess yg die tunggu dalam hidup die.

Now. Lepas kawen. Aku terbawak dalam kesibukan harian. Dah xpikir pasal prince charming naik kuda whatsoever. Aku just bimbang yg aku tak cukup baik for my husbaNd. Bimbang yang dia akan rasa aku ni kurang serba serbi.

Aku just nak jadi that princess yang naik kuda selamatkan prince die. Make a good home for him. Jadi penyokong terhebat dia. Tengok dia berjaya dan always give him whatever he wants.

Dan sekarang ni dapat be together pon rasa macam sweet. Kami too busy.. life after married is busy.
atau lebih tepat aku terlalu busy dengan telefon. Sedangka  xde apa pun online ni. Bukan ade order online pon. Not yet.

crazy? not?

I think im crazy..
i miss my husband.
he just went to gym.
im never let him go out of my sight ever

going crazy..

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

cinta baru

I cant wait for august.
cos i know that day will be the day when allah will open up a new kind of love for me.

The love of a mother.
merasa disayangi seorang anak.
dan menyayangi seorang anak.

Dan melihat my husband menjadi ayah

Semoga allah makbulkan buat kami.
sesungguhnya aku tahu bahawa allah sebaik perancang. Apa2 jadi redha. Apa2 mahu minta pada Allah.

great dad

Currently in kuala lumpur.
currently dalam mood jiwang+sedih
poor husband.
he tried so hard to cheer me up.
keep telling me to not be sad.
sebab takut effect baby.

Baby.. mommy is sorry.
mommy is too emotional.
baby jangan ikut perangai mommy nanti pagi2 pon nanges.

Mommy loves you.
and mommy loves your dad.
because he tried so hard for both of us.
because he is the most responsible man mommy have ever met.
because hes with mommy 24-7
Because he never cries infront of mommy.
i wonder if he gonna cry when im having you.

He loves you so much baby.
i can see it in his eyes.
everything that relates to you.
he will be overjoyed. Over care. Over obsessive.

And most importantly cos your daddy is the one who marry me. And he is your greatest daddy i know he would be

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

escape plan fail

Sebelum ni aku da buat escape plan aku sendiri.

If god forbid. Husband aku kawen lagi sorang. Aku akan undur diri. Bukan jenis aku nknshare2. Aku pon da bgtau ie. Kalau aku syg die sorg je tapi die tak bole nak syg aku sorang then better aku cari org yg mampu bagi benda sama kat aku.

Gitulah.. acah2 macam hati kental. Buat keputusan pakai akal semata. Then semalam aku bgtau lagi sekali. Then aku rasa sedih sangat. Sebelum ni aku bagitau die before preknen xdelah sedih sgt.

Cuma kali ni rasa mcm terover pulak sampai nangis2. Aku pon xfaham. Boding laki bini bile ade anak ni die lain sikit. Aku pon dpt rasa yg husband mcm concern sgt pasal aku. Nampak yg die always give the best utk aku n future baby.

So. Tu la aku nk cite. Aku sekrg ni sedih manyak.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Extra.. apa yg ekstra yg aku boleh bagi for my customers?

Irfan khairi suruh bagi ekstra sbb ekstra tu mengujakan pelanggan dan menyebabkan pelanggan teringat2..

Sooo.. extra.. extra..

Saturday, March 14, 2015

biggest concern

Lets face it.
my worst fear is labor.
and i decided not to vaksin my child dengan niat Allah yg bagi sihat atau sakit dan dgn tak bagi vaksin ni dengan niat untuk menjaga Allah dengan tidak membenarkan benda2 haram masuk ke badan anakku.

dan dengan itu aku memilih private hosp yg boleh respect my decision. My husband totally agree with me sebab his fren pon unvacc. So macam another point added. I have nothibg against those who vacc. And i hope those who vacc their child have nothibg against me. Percayalah. xde ibu bapa yang nak benda buruk terjadi kat anak die.

Lagi2 aku yg susah gile nk preggy ni. da 4 bulan puasa air bergas tahu? Yg menguatkan pilihan aku ni adelah banyaknya kes unvacc yg hidup sihat aman bahagia dan tidak kurang juga kes effect vacc yg menterukkan lagi keadaaN. Plus my hubs lahir tahun 1984 and he did not get 2 jabs right after birth. He looks normal till today.

Measles whatever.. campak dan bertih. Ciken pox. Benda basic pon. Xde yg mati pon. Even tetanus pon aku nak reject. Why? Becos its my right and byk after jab yg jadi gatal gile. Dats why i choose utk buat pemeriksaan dengan swasta. Dengan harapan they will respect my choice.

Tengoklah macamana. If annisa okay. I might just go on with that. Kalau doc die macam anti sangat. Aku terpaksa continue dekat Kpj. Bagi aku orang yg menghormati keputusan aku adalah lebih penting berbanding wang ringgit.

cumanya anak2 nanti perlu makan makanan sunnah. Perlu diberi makanan berkhasiat dan elak segala junkfood selagi boleh. Insya allah. Aku pon da mula makan kurma. Nk makan habbatussauda jugak tapi bimbang kat baby sbb die macam panas sikit.

Apa2 pon aku harap my labor will be a smooth one. Aku tak perlu pertahankan kenapa kenapa dan kenapa aku tak nak vacc. I just hope people respect my decision sbb aku pon respect pilihan parents yg vacc anak die. Okey je..

Thursday, March 12, 2015

tidak sabar si gadis manis

Tidak sabarrrr
husband da confem nak pergi perak 28hb mac ni for ensemble of gamelan.
lepastu gerak gi kl for my cousin's wedding.

Aritu pergi utp masa hujan. This time around performance dlm chanc hall. I hope it will be a blast.
cant wait to shiw my husband around. And meet my fellow adik2 gamelan.. yeay!!!

im in love!

Aku rasa macam ahhhh.. in love sangat..
xpenah ade org layan aku mcm ni..
komen kat fb. Instagram. Semua berbalas.
dan dengan reply yg sangat swweet..

Aku just tanya okey x bag ni for my birthday present?
And he said.. omeyyy sangat... omeyyyy kau tau.. dahlah kat ig..
munge2 pulak rasa hati aku ni..

lagi 3bulan. Nak anniversary kedua.
Betulla orang cakap anak ni pengerat kasih sayang.
aku rasa husband overdose sweet ni pon sbb aku preggy. Hehehe.

Die asyik kesian je dekat aku sbb aku asyik tak sihat.
and we cant wait for this baby to arrive.
rasa macam come out now baby.. okey. Not now coz that would be unsafe. Come out when it safe and before you got too big for mommy to carry around.

dulu masa aku mula2 kenal husband. Die wangiiiii sangat ya ampunnn. Sampai kawan aku panggil die kedai perfume bergerak.

Now.... takyah citelah..kurang about 70%.
So beberapa hati lepas aku bagitau die.. bie dulu bie wangi sangattt. Now da xwangi.. i wish you can be like before...

Pastu kau tau. Malam nk tido die datang sebelah bau minyak wangi macam nak gi semayang jumaat. Hehehe. Aku suke. Suke sebab wangi...wiiiii

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Perkembangan terbaru?

I da send design for namecard and sedang menunggu design from printing for woven label and hijaab roller. Paling awal dpt siap dalam masa sebulan.

2. Da dapat price quote from wholeseller and i rasa we will carry on dengan pemilihan warna only when the woven kabel siap. I have no choice. Xbole siapkan tudung dahulu n baru jahit woven. Bazir kos.

3. Already booked for another makeup pengantin lesson. I think i wanna be known for being a MUA  dpt mekap orang jadi lawa ni best plus kerja 2 jam dapat rm200. Mana lagi yg macamtu? Kalau everyday ade mekap dptla rm6000 untuk kerja sekali sehari. Kalau 3 job on certain days. N rm200 tu rate mua tak terror. Kalau yg popukar sekali mekap rm350 xmasuk caj pengangkutan..hehege. buat letih je belajar engineering..hohoho

4. Pekerja da cukup 8 orang yeay!!! Now time to aim untuk bukak 5th kedai di parkson. Woot2. Sebab tesco susahnya nak approve contract. Huh

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

perangai baru

Tunggu shuben sampai rumah baru nk mandi.
ni perangai apa pulak pon xtaulaaaa..

Sunday, March 8, 2015

my 2015 dreams

They say if u want something. Write it down.
it makes it reality faster.

since nobody read my blog ai i decided im gonna go all out today. my hopes and dream. Materially of course.

1. this year i want to have atleast 7 small shops around kota bharu and one office for production and management staff. This should be done before 1 dec 2015. For the time being i only have 4 small shops. I need to be fast since i got a labor coming this august.

2. I wanna have income of 50k per month. And save up some money to buy a land near kb. And build my own house without loan. I really wish to avoid doing loan for my house.

3. I want to be able to have a maid after labor to take care of me and my house. Its time to have a wonderful house.

4. We plan to change our car this year end. first we think about audi and we decided that we gonna have a baby and we gonna need a bigger carboot to fit all the stroller and baby bags. And we want to drive our family around too. So.. vellfire it is.

5. My own brand to have a stable fb and instagram followers and start own production here in kelantan. And start online sale by raya this year.

I think thats all.. For this year. I have another 10months plus to plan and execute.

one track. sometimes

Me: bie. Nanti majlis akikah anak kita buat kat hotel nak??

Him: bie pon pk camtu.. tapi kesian kat jiran2 xdpt pegi..

Husband. Tq for having one track mind like me..hehe..

Okaylah. Tunggu majlis kawen die la baru buat lat hotel. Yg lain tu kita buat kat kampung je. Tapi xnak buat kt rmh kita sbb syg malas nk kemas rumah..hahaha

Friday, March 6, 2015

we all lucky in our on ways

Knowing that hubs love me and i dont have to compete with anyone else calm me.

Often I see a woman fighting for attention from a guy. Then i remember the old me. And i say alhamdulillah.
for god has given me this one guy i dont have to ask for attention.

I see people posting on fb about lunch alone. And here i am. Having lunch with my hubs every single day.

And i see people post on fb about how their bf/husband get out late at nite and come back early in the morning. And there he is. My hubs is just beside me. He is such a home person. I love that. Except he goes out for gym. that annoys me. But give him some space.

And having him to always want me beside him is nice even sometimes suffocating. Hehe. When i get up he will be like: yang nak gi mana??

Well. I just wanna go to the toilet.

He will be ah. Ok.

planning my delivery

So whats new guys?
me? Not so much. Just cant decide where i wanna have my labor.

My mom asking me for a government hosp.
i just think that i need privacy and nice nurses.
i know im gonna be a challange that day.
and of course im avoiding all the unnecessary problems. Like being scold by the nurse or the midwives.

Then comes the story of how not safe labor in private clinic will be.. and having a paranoid husband doesnt help.

I think my best choice would be at Hospital perdana.
get ready to spend 7k. Before gst. I think it will be more when my time comes.

Such a hard one. Argh...
okay. We are still considering a few othe private hospitals. That we can afford. Like 2-3k maximum for surgery.

Or another option is that we have to work harder until we can afford tge 7k delivery at perdana. Huhuhu

Thursday, March 5, 2015

untung preggy nie..

My hubs is a sweetheart lately.
everytime we went shopping. He will ask me.

Yang taknak pape ke?
Handbag baru ke?

I am so not in the mood of shopping. Let alone handbags. Im someone yg pakai satu beg yg i suke till suke beg lain baru tukar. Sekaranglah.. dulu suke jugak tukat handbag.

Then that day i was like. bie nnt kite pegi jpo ek. Rasa nak beli handbag.

And he being a sweetie pie just said. okay. Bie nak belikan yang handbag paling mahal..

Cair pulak.. walaupun tak beli lagi..hhehehe..

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

first batch

Since im feeling healthy lately.
i already started to establish my brand.
i just think that the longer i postponed.
a lot more reasons will arise.

So we will be going to kl to choose fabrics and design.
label will also be prepared by our wholesaler.

For me. Its okay not to do everything ourselves.
let it start first and find your best method.
i cant wait for our first batch.

Monday, March 2, 2015

boy ke girl?

Jerawat everywhere....
does this mean im having a girl??

Finger crossed..

healthy as a horse

Im feeling healthy these two days.
after i got my med from an nisa.
i cant believe that doc got meds for vomit.
in my mind i was like how its done.
did the med just squeeze my vomit nerves??
But somehow the meds work. Insya allah.
ubat hanya cara. Allah yang mengizinkan.
always have to remember that.

I guess now i got the point why god make me soo sick in my early stage. Becoz mann.
now im working like crazy since im feeling like a million dollar.

i have to be sick in order to just rest.
and Allah knows that. Masya allah.
Most time we hate something. Sedangkan ia baik utk kita. And most time we like something sedangkan ia buruk untuk kita. Another point to remember. Whatever happens. Allah knows best. Keep calm and say Alhamdulillah...

for the pain. Sickness. Vomitting. And all the things we hate..

And alhamdulillah for the rizq.
for the ability to help our family.
for the feeling of completeness and not wanting anything. Its a good feeling.

move it. move itm

We have so many times where we would just be.
'We need to move'

And everytime we decided that. The house is just not to expectation. Maybe we expect too much.
i dont know. Then i would just let it go
and husband would go. we need to move...

And i will be frantically looking for a new home. And i feel sad thinking of leaving this home. i dont know.

Are we gonna move before the baby arrive?
Becos i really dont think this house is fitting for a baby.looks like i need to clean up the mess.
were not moving anytime soon.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

no husband. nooo

My husband is like. Where is next?
nak vacay kat mana pulak lepas ni..
istanbul kah? Europe kah?

And im not in the same mood.
im like noooooo husband noooo.
i just wanna sit at home on the bed.
waiting for food to come to me.

Thats me. For time being.
but i can rest assured he will not book any flight tickets without me. Hahahaha.

Thinking about just sitting on the plane doing nothing already makes me wanna vomit. Urghhh..