Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Im a sinner

I cannot picture myself at the age more than 28.
Im worried that maybe im the chosen one that will die young
What if i die without doing enough good on earth?
What if i die a sinner??

I cannot picture myself old.
I cannot pic myself with kids and grandkids.
In scared. I dont wanna tell people what i feel.
Then i think about what will happen if im just gone.
I need to tell sumthing to my husband
I need to tell him what i think.

Last nite i finally told him
And he got asthma attack..

Masha Allah...
Im scared..
What if i die a sinner??? Nauzubillah..

What if i die tomorrow??
Then whatever i do today ia not gonna matter anymore
Whatever my hope for tomorrow is not going to matter anymore..

Just dont let me die a sinner ya Allah..

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Durian balls

I think i wanna be a wife who can cook really well..

I think i wanna start with durian balls..

Cuz husband loves them mucho..

And i kinda like it too despite my love and hate relationship with durians..

Saturday, March 15, 2014


Akhirnya..harini aku period..
Sedihnye..tadi da happy dengan husband sbb da lewat 3 hari..

Bye baby..

Kena usaha lagi..

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Main tipu tipu

I supposed to have my monthly menstrual yesterday..

We want babies soo much..

So i told my husband..

Selagi im not having my period he should treat me like im pregnant..

Hope this works..hihihu


Monday, March 10, 2014

Apa aku rasa?

Home is where my safe place is..

I feel so scared..

Semoga malaysia sentiasa aman..
Sentiasa di bawah jagaan Allah..

Jika Allah nak turunkan bala kerana kemaksiatan yang berlaku..dengan orang yang beriman pun akan turut kena sebab tak mencegah..

Marilah kita sama sama juangkan islam..

Denggi..kemarau teruk..mh370..

Apakah kita masih buta mata hati untuk menilai..

Ini tiada sikitpun berkaitan politik..

Ini soal kita hamba Allah.. perjuangkanlah agama Allah..

Dia tak perlukan kita pun untuk tegakkan agamaNya tetapi kitalah yang oerlukan Allah..

I feel so sad.. and scared..

I want twin babies

Che ta pon da pregnant.. hopefully i will get my baby twin soon..

Hopefully.. such a pressure.. padahal xde org pressure pon..haha..

Just hope we will be having babies soon agar terasa lengkap hidup kami..

Korang doakan jgk..please.. ?

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Some people ni kalau bercakap mmg dah tak ingat da yang dulu2 die pon buay benda sama..

Malas nak layan manusia camneh..aku delete jgk dr fb..

Kadang2 rasa i wanna be succesfull just to show you that i can do it. Tapi buat apalah nak berjaya semata2 nak tunjukkan kt orang lain.. so tak berbaloi. Niat untuk berjaya perlu lebih ikhlas dr sekadar itu..

Monday, March 3, 2014

Divert to husband

Lepas ni kalau ade orang tak kenal call bagi husband jelah yang jawab.

Orang ni pelik2la..

Laki call tanya pelaminlah kononye..mcm macam pulak tanye.. pastu dengar orang gelak2 kt belakang..haishhh..

Baju sanding emerald green

Dah dua hari berturt turut aku jajah jalan tar sebab cari kain satin emerald green bidang 60 dengan kain lace kosong or kain net emerald green. Punyelah susah nak jumpe...

Sampai saat ni pon masih belum jumpe..stress gile.. punyelah susah..

Lastly mungkin akan gune kain chiffon je.. berpasrahlah